
美術を通じて日本を元気にしたい! 銀座の美術商・田中千秋から発信—-美術・芸術全般から世の中のあれこれまで。「秋華洞・丁稚ログ」改題。


Thank you for visiting ART FORMOSA2018


這次是Nakakuki Akari展示白作品的第一次機會。 此外,台灣畫家陳陳珮怡的作品也首次作為我們在台灣當地展出。
不幸的是,我在展覽期間無法見證,但我聽說成東的展位擠滿了陳的人氣。 我要向訪問我們的所有人和購買它的客戶表示衷心的感謝。


We participated in the art FORMOSA which was held at the Eslite Hotel in Taipei, and the session ended on July 15th yesterday.
This time it was the first opportunity to showcase terracotta works by Nakakuki Akari. In addition, Taiwanese important painter Chen Peiyi works were also exhibited for the first time as us in Taiwan.
Unfortunately, I could not witness the venue during the exhibition, but I heard that our booth well crowded with popularity of Chen. I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who visited us and the customers.

今回、初めて中莖あかりの立体作品を披露する機会となった。また、台湾の画家Chen PeiYi 作品を、地元台湾で私どもとしては初めて展示することにもなった。



 - 展覧会 , , , , , , , ,
